Grade Three
Petula Links
Department Head
Register Class: 3L
Extracurricular Activities: Talent Show
Interests: Baking, cooking and painting.
Natasha Keyser
Register Class: 3K
Extracurricular Activities: Netball, ball games and eco-venture
Interests: Pottery, reading and decoupage.
Upasna Maharaj
Register Class: 3M
Extracurricular Activities: Art and Fitness Training.
Interests: Art, yoga, astronomy, photography and research in learning support.
Nadine Nolan
Register Class: 3N & Grade Leader
Extracurricular Activities: Talent Show and Eco-venture
Interests: Spending time with my family.
Bonita van Meyeren
Grade Leader
Register Class: 3V
Extracurricular Activities: Netball, ball games and tennis.
Interests: Reading and creative activities for my toddler.
Gugu Mlotshwa
Register Class: 3M
Extracurricular Activities: Extracurricular – Netball
Interests: Exercising and reading
Shahida Garda
Assistant Teacher
Interests: Swimming, reading and art.
Morgan Botha
Assistant Teacher